Yes, This Blog's On a Mission!

Hot Gifts for Cool Giving: The inspiration for this blog comes from a sign hand-painted over the only elevator in one of the nursing homes I used to run.  In uneven letters, it quoted Mother Teresa’s famous words reminding all of us: “In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love.” The corporate bigwigs walked blindly under the words, of course, but to all of us staff who tried every day to offer some sort of life worth living to the residents, the motto meant that what little each of us could give, made a difference when we all gave it together. Along with care, we tried to give the residents the gift of giving: We helped them put on their musicals for less able residents, and took them “on the road” by chair-vans to perform their shows for residents of nearby facilities, who of course were delighted. The residents became pretty famous for their generosity of spirit!

Now that I’m home taking care of a very elderly, much loved family member, (no nursing home for her!) I’ve got a huge new Cause: I want to see if there’s a way people who really want to work, but must stay home for child care/loss of job/health or other reasons can put themselves to work making a decent and reliable living using the Internet. Imagine what a difference that would make across America today, if most people who needed a good job could give themselves one, especially one that would stimulate the economy! This isn’t one of those get-rich-quick schemes: It’s based on a series of free tutorials by some extraordinarily generous (and successful) article marketer. I’m making myself the test subject here, trying out this method I’ll be blogging about soon in a new site about my daily writing and earnings. I’ll post the name of this blog here once it’s up and running, so you can see if the “job I’m giving myself” is working.

HotGiftsforCoolGiving was supposed to be a very simple second blog to support this article writing project – just a basic blog about the products I’m reviewing in my articles. But of course, being me, I couldn’t just do that: It didn’t seem enough just to help people give “hot” gifts. Nope, HotGiftsforCoolGiving doesn’t just tackle a specific Cause like how to create a better, more giving life for nursing home residents. It doesn’t just try to find a way for home-bound workers across our country to give themselves good jobs, so they can give a better life to their families. Here’s that “giving” word again: HotGiftsforCoolGiving actually takes on the full spectrum of ideas on how to restore more meaning, through giving, to life across America. I’m asking you, my Readers, to join me in finding ways to resuscitate the spirit and style of Giving! It wasn’t all that long ago that “gifts”, both the simple gifts and even the "hot gifts" (as we would call them now), were just part of the big holidays and personal celebrations; when we didn’t just wrap the last gift moments before they got torn open all over again; when there was time for planning for giving; when celebrating together was the biggest “Gift” folks could give each other. That’s the “Cool Giving” I’m talking about. Restoring that Spirit is the “great thing” we can’t do separately, but it will be the result of all the “small things” each of us can do, if we care enough. I hope you’ll share your comments, email in your brainstorms (Contact Form is on pg. 2) so I can post your ideas – that’s the Web 2.0 mission of HotGiftsforCoolGiving! I’m up for it, but that’s just me. How about you?